Snausages Alert: Passes FAR, Completes CPA examinations.

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    Don’t ask me how, but I got a 91 on my FAR examination re-take. I am still stunned, jaw to the floor. Although I am happy, I am for sure confused as heck. I felt far worse about this examination than I did for the one that I did not pass with a 74. And I am not the one who is to think I got things wrong when I felt I got them right. Here is my experience from both attempts:

    1) First FAR attempt (74): MC testlets did not get any harder as the test progressed. I had high confidence that I did well on them. SIMS were okay, was confident on 3-4 of the tabs including the research question, and not very confident (but filled out and gave my best) to the other 3-4 SIMS tabs. When I got my score sheet back from the state, it said that I had exceeded performance on all sections of the MC, except one, where I was comparable. On the SIMS, it said I was ‘weaker’. And the score was 74. I didn’t know what ‘weaker’ meant, but clearly from the score report, it was the SIMS were I lost my passing ability. I couldn’t believe it.

    2) Second FAR attempt (91): MC testlets varied; first one was medium, second one was difficult (but not daunting), and the third one was so easy a kindergartner could have done it. No joke. My MC, therefore, did not get “harder and harder” as the testlets progressed. I felt I did really well on the MC regardless, maybe marked about 4-5 questions on the second testlet for review. The SIMS were an abomination from hell. I maybe had confidence on the research tab and one other tab, and that’s about it. I had a complete mindlapse and confusion on all the other stuff that was being asked. I barely understood what was being asked. So I did what any logical person would do and gave it my best shot. And then I proceeded to understand again that I had no idea what I was doing, except filling in boxes, clicking on menus, filling up spaces with numbers that I thought made sense. Not much seemed to be balancing, I was running out of time, and I was even more frustrated. I walked out of there like Drew Barrymore at the end of the movie “Firestarter”, flames shooting out of my hands, volcanic rocks hurtling out from behind me.

    Although I am a bit relieved that I passed, I am still so befuddled at what happened. Perhaps this all depends on weightings, scoring scales, experimental questions, board judgment, relative performance or other subjectivity, but I can honestly state that the correlation between my personal performance and my result was not a strong one. Maybe the test I got the second time was considered a more “difficult” one, compared to peers? Anyway, I am done with the CPA and look forward to adding it to my credentials. Congrats to everyone who takes the exam, and I wish you all well. Good luck to those who are continuing to finish.

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    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
    Jeff Elliott, CPA (KS)

    congrats I was looking for your results! since I know that we both complained after the test. Now to find T-Rex

    FAR 76
    REG 76(2x)
    BEC FAILED (2x)
    AUD FAILED (2x)

    "When you don't give up, YOU CANNOT FAIL"


    I'm convinced they pull these scores out their butt.

    I passed FAR with an 81 and I received “Stronger” on both MCQ and SIMS. I had no idea what I was doing on the SIMS and I got “Stronger”? I have no idea how they grade those things.

    Texas CPA
    Licensed, March 2012



    Maybe you weren't looking as hot on your second exam as the first. They realized you were just a back office JE guy and gave you a pass. I'm kidding! I loved your other post but it really bothered me. It scared me actually. Your performance report sounded great and you got a 74?? I had nightmares after I read it.

    I had the same experience with REG as you just described. The multiple choice were fine. Yes, the second testlet was more complex, but the third I didn't notice anything too difficult. The sims were pulled out of some monkey's butt. I do taxes for a living and was dumbfounded by two of them. One of the sims, I knew the concepts but couldn't figure out what they were asking exactly.

    It makes me think the sims are adaptive based on our multiple choice performance. There's no way I got 40% of my sims correct, unless the research counted for half or something crazy. I'm still in shock at my score.

    I'm one of the @holes I've been blasting on for whining about failing yet I did well. I don't get it. Maybe my state is short on CPAs.

    It's taken me 2 years to figure out how to play the game and I'm finally done. There's no logic but congratulations on finishing big.


    @Jeff: thanks for this forum. although i didn't use it as much as I should have, it's good to know people chill with each other like this.

    @gottagetmycpa: congrats on passing! i am happy for you. it's okay for us to vent, we deserved to. that was a weird experience, to say the least. glad on passing and completing, but still a little puzzled.

    @redrage: congrats on passing. isn't it a weird feeling? in some ways it a feeling of great dissatisfaction. i know a lot of people would say that's absurd, but for me, it really truly is.

    @allyson: i sure as heck didn't mean to scare you. actually, that whole diatribe was half truth, half comedy, i was hoping most people would get it. it was actually to entertain as well, not be that barbaric. i thought for sure when i talked about the camera catching my ‘good looks' that people would know it's a total goof. but some people didn't…but yes, it was a bit scary. i am not the one to misread my test taking skills, i know i did better on the first test than the second. it's just that the second test was probably curved or rated differently and relatively. so i got the benefit of an adjustment, there is no doubt about it. i did NOT ace the SIMS, i will be honest with you, there is no way. but CONGRATS on passing, really truly, i am thrilled for you. how are you going to celebrate??

    : thank you so much. did you know i used to be an executive at Enron? that's no joke. a VP in M&A and project development. i was close to all the ones you hear about in the news… ;-(


    @Snausages, CONGRATS!

    BEC: 87 (7/13/11)
    FAR: 86 (8/31/11)
    AUD: 99 (10/6/11)
    REG: 88 (11/30/11)
    Ethics: 100

    Used Becker for all four parts. Supplemented it with Wiley Test Bank for FAR and REG (HIGHLY recommended) and NINJA notes.


    @Snausages, I totally got your posts and I wish you had posted more on the forum. Some people take this stuff so seriously and your post literally made me LOL. You didn't scare me, just the thought of someone doing so well and getting a 74 scared me. Recently I saw a score report of someone who scored like you (“Stronger” and “Comparable”) and it had a big “74” at the top. The whole scoring mess is baffling.

    I actually celebrated a little last night with the family at Mellow Mushroom and then came home and drank wine and typed on the forum. I'm actually going through right now and making sure I didn't type anything stupid.

    I'm still in shock and awe at my score and the fact that I am done. It still doesn't seem real!!!!


    @Allyson: Shock and awe! I love it. That is so awesome. I am very happy for you, seriously. I was a bit shocked at my score for different reasons, but I have to tell you, I feel pretty relaxed and good today as well. Unfortunately, my peers and my significant other ‘expect' these things from me because of my career and academic record to date. But other people have great careers and acheivements as well. It's a little frustrating, because I would love that explosive joy, big hugs, celebration, etc. from those close to me. I would love someone or some people special to me to swarm me over and be giddy with me, like a little kid almost. When I come to this forum, I get so giddy but also melancholy when I read about other people's husbands, wives, families, friends, colleagues etc. being so thrilled for them. My peer group? They are like “okay cool you passed, now get back to work” or “mmm, congratulations, oh, did you do the laundry?” or “CPA, is that good?”, etc. etc. Arrghh. But like I said, when I see folks like you bust this test and break through to the other side, I am pumped up!



    I was always straight A's, good girl and everyone “expected” an easy pass on the CPA. Once they saw me struggle with it for two years, everyone changed ther tune.

    It was like a scene from Rudy yesterday in my office when I got my score. It was the most amazing feeling. Gosh, I do hope you feel great about what you did. It's awesome. That makes me kind of sad for you that no one realized what a huge deal this is.

    Last night while we were out eating, I was laughing hysterically at the silliest things. My kids were cracking me up and I felt like the time back in college when I ate mushrooms and couldn't stop laughing. I felt high. That's how ecstatic I am to be done with this albatross.

    There's no way I'd be feeling like this had I passed each one the first time though. It would be great, but nothing compared to the discoveries I found within myself along the ride.


    Snausages, CONGRATULATIONS ! and thanks for your help !

    FAR 73(11/02/2010),74(08/31/2011), 80(11/30/2011)
    BEC 75(11/30/2010)
    AUD 87(01/26/2011)
    REG 77(07/09/2011)


    @Allyson: what a GREAT story you just shared with me! How COOL would it be to be hoisted like Rudy Rutteger in Notre Dame! That is fantastic! I SO WISH I had people around me that would do that for me once in a while. Everyone is so damn serious, stoic and stonefaced. Listening to stories like yours allow me to live vicariously through you, and you may not believe this, but I really feel your moment. When you wrote that Rudy analogy, I was smiling ear to ear, very happy for you. I mean that. And you are SO right about discovering things along the journey. I have stated repeatedly when gaining certifications or higher education that enjoying and absorbing the ride is half the learning. I couldn't have said it any better. And you are right, a little more laughter, the coffee tastes a little better, and things seem just a bit lighter. I wish that for EVERYONE who takes this exam and keeps at it. I hope everyone that starts finishes. I know we all have different backgrounds and experiences and test timeframes, but the journey, learnings, path and finish line are ALL the same for ALL of us. And that's the beauty of it.

    @Jokekidding: thanks much! Can't wait to hear that you passed too!


    Snausages – you are really giving me some hope! My 74 came out the same as yours–stronger on half, comparable on the other half, stronger overall on MCQs, but weaker on SIMs. 74. I hope this next round turns out like yours. I have to pass or I lose AUD and REG.

    I can't wait to feel that feeling Allyson!

    BEC 52, 61, 74, 77
    AUD 80
    REG 75
    FAR 50, 60, 70, 74, 83...DONE!!
    ..Texas.. Baby #2 born 4/11/11


    @Megan: I am pulling for you. You will get it done, it seems like your scores have improved. Please ensure you don't slip with good study habits, and force even stronger learning. Practice more and more, and walk in with the attitude to dominate. If you see strange things, stay the course. Like my second FAR attempt, I was more confused than the first. But, I did keep focus the best I could, and I did still know the materials well from my first attempt. So keep your eyes on the prize, and you should be fine. Oh, and congrats on the new baby!


    Congratulations, Snaussy Monster! You did it! 91 on FAR is awesome!

    AUD - 95, BEC - 85
    REG - 85, Rawrrrrrr FAR - 88
    Used Becker for all sections.
    CA candidate not residing in CA


    @T-rex: Thanks! Congrats to you too on your superb performance and completing the exams!

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