2014 3QTR audit exam: Did you have a similar experience?

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  • #187944

    I have a general question and am wondering if anyone else had a similar experience. I took AUD in July. I scored an 86 on my full 4 hour practice exam before going in, but whenever I did 20 question quizzes I would either get 80-90% or 50%. I attribute this to the fact that so many of the answers in audit are subjective. Fast forward to exam day. I got my first testlet and literally felt like I should walk out of the exam. I was flagging everything to come back to it later. Once I was on to testlet two it was way too easy. As we all know, this is a bad sign, but I felt like I got every answer right. Testlet 3 was a little more challenging. I could just tell by the questions they asked. It was more like there were 3 really good answers rather than 2 on the easy testlet. I was marking quite a few to go back to since I was between two good answers and felt like I could go either way on testlet 3. The sims felt very easy. I didn’t even use the research tab except obviously to look up the research questions (I got two by the way?). Did anyone have a similar experience, and if so, did you pass? It is killing me that I literally have no idea.


    BEC - Passed
    AUD - Passed
    FAR - 10/28/14 (waiting results)
    REG - Passed

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