4 weeks enough to pass BEC by studying Becker CPA Exam review?

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  • #186919

    Becker Question –

    I have FAR and AUD scheduled on October 1 and 2, 2014, will be done studying these 2 by August 24, then non-stop revision until October 1. My question: Would I’ve managed to pass BEC if started September 1 and took on October 3rd?

    Background info: Teaching Intl. Finance once a week, one kid, wife and don’t work anywhere else. Have MBA with Energy major and Finance minor (5 finance courses including Valuation, Risk Management)

    FAR Scheduled 10/01/2014
    AUD Scheduled 10/02/2014

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  • #580404

    Honestly I'm not convinced it's wise to be studying/revising 3 sections simultaneously. I imagine anything is possible and wish you the best of luck if you proceed to try to take 3 exams in 3 days but unless you have to travel from outside the US and trying to minimize the number of trips you'd have to make, I can't think of a single compelling reason to take that great a risk.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I don't think it's a good idea either. Even if you are traveling from somewhere else and want to minimize your trips I would do 2 at one time only. If you aren't traveling, why not study for one and take it at the end of August, study for the next one and take it at the beginning of October and take the third one at the beginning or end of November? And to be honest, if you're studying full time you could potentially get in two before the end of this window–BEC and AUD would be your most likely to finish in the next 6 weeks. You'll have to give us more info on your reasoning because to the normal student with an MBA, it doesn't sound like a good idea.


    Hey, thanks for encouragement, really. My inner voice says that just finish it and go sit for a summer window.

    Yet, it takes me 4 days of full time study (10-11 hours a day) to get through a chapter in full (including all MCQs and SIMs).

    So far, I'd hit 2 chapters from AUD and 4 from FAR, leaving 10 chapter all together. 10*4 = 40 days. Today is July 13th, I am on the east side of Atlantic Ocean :). So, I might be done by August 23rd for sure. My thought problem is about a nice final review. Like i see here people talking about supplementing Ninja MCQs on top of their on study material. With 4 days left before August 28, WOULD I be ABLE to get a nice REVIEW before the exam? Would for days really add to my confidence for full review or I should take at least 1 full review week per exam?

    I hope i was clear about my individual situation and others with time constraints might have thought about analogous situation.

    FAR Scheduled 10/01/2014
    AUD Scheduled 10/02/2014


    I think you do need a good review for each exam. But if you concentrated on just one of them you could get your studying in and get a good review before the end of August and then focus on the next one and get a good review by October 1st. I dual studied for BEC and AUD and only passed one of them. I think if I had just studied for one at a time I would not have had a retake. It's really just personal preference. My time constraints are different though–work full time, 3 kids. I have a lot of distractions that make dual study very difficult. There is some overlap with AUD and FAR so you do have that going for you.


    Hi there CPAMommyof3,

    Now I see what you are saying. I think with a peaceful silence for my study that I hope to be able to keep going, now I am determined to go for 2 at a time by October as planned and and it was nice to hear your feedback on this one. It's like flying 10 hours to get east coast. October looks absolutely prudent to me now. Hope after the exam I will change my signature to 2 passed just 2 more left πŸ™‚

    And I think you will get a nice soccer mom cab someday (unless you have it already) full of kids going to a football event.

    Good luck on your REG exam!

    FAR Scheduled 10/01/2014
    AUD Scheduled 10/02/2014


    I completely missed the fact that you were international. Yes–you are doing it the right way and you definitely picked the two that work best to study together because of the overlap. Good luck with your exams! My kids are little, but I will definitely be the soccer/gymnastics/dance mom! Hopefully no football though–3 girls. πŸ™‚

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