A new question

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  • #190214

    I was lucky to be invited to PwC Super Day. But during the period, a new question comes out. Normally I have to take an exam to graduate from the master program. But somehow in this year I was too late to take that exam so the department moved my exam to the next spring. However, I told the PwC recruiter that I would be graduating this Dec. So there is a difference. What remains unchanged is that I will still have the 150 credits and all master classes completed. So the only variable here is the exam.

    I’ve decided to tell this info on Super Day. But what makes me worried is that I don’t know if this delayed graduation will impact the decision on my case or my offer (assuming that I will have one).

    What do you think?

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  • Author
  • #619299

    You're going to need to be honest and tell them anyway. So don't worry about it and just tell them. What happens, happens.

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