AOCI/OCI Net of Tax Or?……

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  • #195242

    Becker, along with the rest of the accounting world, can’t seem to make up their mind whether items in OCI/AOCI are reported at gross values or net of tax. I constantly run into conflicting questions and information all over the place in regards to this. Some questions in Becker will ask the same question: “What will AOCI show from this transaction.” I’ve been marked wrong for not selecting a number net of tax, yet the same question arises in other parts (still US GAAP) without a tax rate to use. Don’t get it.

    Not to mention several journal entries I’ve seen debit/credit OCI with zero regard to tax rates. What’s the deal here?

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  • #677015

    OCI items are always net of tax. In questions that don't take into consideration tax, I'm sure it must be specified in the question itself to disregard the tax effect.


    OCI items are always net of tax. In questions that don't take into consideration tax, I'm sure it must be specified in the question itself to disregard the tax effect.

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