BEC – Cram Course Help

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  • #189202

    Test coming up in 2 1/2 weeks and I’m struggling with getting all of the equation-type questions down. Currently using Becker, but was wondering if using either Yaeger or Roger Cram for the remainder could help?

    Anyone use these before? Are they good to prep you for the exam?

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  • #612165
    Mary 2496

    With the equation-type questions, you may find that you just have to memorize them as best that you can. I know there are a lot of equations to remember in BEC. I had to keep writing them and saying them over and over and over.


    Mary is correct to an extent. Memorize, memorize, memorize. Write them over and over if you have to, but make sure you understand why each number is in the numerator or denominator. Here is what I mean by understanding:

    It's easier for me to explain in a spreadsheet. I hope this helps you understand why I say you have to know why a particular number is used. Memorizing the formulas, while that is very, very helpful, it's a short term fix to a long term problem.

    The Ninja notes are a much more cost effective means of learning the formulas and the why of each number. I didn't use Roger for BEC and I didn't pass with Yaeger until Jeff sent me his notes. I was reading those things in the Prometric parking lot!! They got me a pass the first time on FAR and I give full credit for my pass on REG to the Ninja Audio.

    And no, I do not get a sales commission. I'm just trying to help. LOL 🙂


    Kricket- do you have anymore examples? I am having a hard time understanding/memorizing BEC formulas. I currently have 6 pages full of formulas :{

    We all have the ability to be whomever we want to be in this life. It's just a matter of DETERMINATION, PERSISTENCE, PATIENCE and the WILL to follow through. Never give up!


    what else would you recommend ? what was your strategy to learning the formula as well as memorizing it ? did you create a spreadsheet for each formula ?

    Thanks in advance


    We all have the ability to be whomever we want to be in this life. It's just a matter of DETERMINATION, PERSISTENCE, PATIENCE and the WILL to follow through. Never give up!


    I'm in the middle of my final review for BEC and am finding that the more problems I do, the more I just end up memorizing the formulas by default. Grab a test bank and quiz quiz quiz. Some of them are pretty intuitive as well if you read the problem carefully – not all, but some. For example: “How much of x should be allocated to Product 1 relative to gross sales?”

    Figure out what percentage of overall gross sales Product 1 has, and multiply by x.

    Works for me, but I tend to have an odd way of looking at things anyway. 😉


    I agree with taxgeek. For me repetition and applying the formulas is how I remember them. I think it is probably safe to say if you see a formula being asked multiple times in the homework, try to practice those questions enough so that the formula starts coming to you automatically as you practice. I think looking at 6+ pages of forumlas can be a good review, but also stressful and overwhelming. I would just try to figure out which ones you are weaker on and practice more of those type questions. writing is probably more beneficial than looking at them but everyone is different.

    AUD - 73,91
    FAR - 79 - Thank you God!
    BEC - 73,79!!!!
    REG - 92 whatttt??!

    I used Becker review + flashcards, Ninja Audio, Ninja MCQ supplement on BEC and REG.

    Done! Praise God!

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