BEC Experience

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  • #197879

    So my BEC experience was a bit weird, I only had 3 weeks to study for it, I took two months leave to study, so I had time.

    The first week I watched all of Becker’s lectures and did all of the homework. I was scoring high from the first time -mid 80’s and 90’s.

    The second week, I’ve read my notes and redid all of the homework twice, then I did both final exams. (I scored in the 90’s on the first one, and low 80’s on the second).

    But I felt I was still unprepared; I needed another database, but I didn’t have enough money.

    After some research, I came across Ninja MCQs and I decided why not give it a try. I purchased the access and I started to do MCQs like crazy on both Becker and Ninja.

    On Becker, I was averaging in the high 90’s and on Ninja I was averaging in the 80’s and trending in the low 90’s.

    My exam experience was as follow the first teslet was medium, the second testlet got harder, I felt the increase in the level of difficulty but I think I gave it my best, and the third testlet was similar to the second, a lot of tricks but I also gave it my best. As for the WC, they were straightforward. But what I noticed is that a lot of questions from Ninja were similar to the exam.

    Hopefully I did well, but in case, God forbid, I didn’t pass I have no regrets since I gave it my best in terms of preparation.

    I honestly felt that ninja prepared me for the BEC exam, therefore I’m giving away access to one section of MCQs to a lucky student. I will let Jeff decide who to give access to.

    Now on to Reg!!!

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