BEC Writing Section – How Detailed Should Responses Be?

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  • #187977

    Hi all,

    Taking BEC in 10 days and I am forcing myself to spend a day making sure I understand the best way to tackle the written portion. I have noticed that the sample solutions given by Becker are very much “role-play”; that is, their sample solutions really do act as if they are a real-world manager giving advice to a real-world executive…. Phrases like, “I’m looking forward to our meeting” and “Please contact us with any additional questions you might have”. Is this necessary on the real exam? If so, it’s no problem to add it but if not, it would be nice to not have to worry about it.

    Additionally, the length of the responses varies greatly on the practice solutions, from a few sentences to a few paragraphs. Is there are “target length” that the examiners are looking for?

    Finally, how much time should I allocate to each section? So far, my responses to the written questions have been between 20 and 30 minutes, which would mean I will have 1.5 hours for MCQ and 1.5 hours for WBS… This seems like a bad allocation of time given the relative weight of each. Should I just focus on getting my WBS answer times down to 20 minutes each or so?

    Thanks for any input.

    REG: 84 on 4/18/14
    AUD: 93 on 5/29/14
    FAR: 90 on 8/8/14
    BEC: 91 on 8/31/14


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  • #588237

    I would say to keep the role playing to a minimum and focus on the content.

    Anyone can memorize those phrases, fewer can write meaningful content.

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)


    Use keywords. as many as you can while maintaining well formatted sentences.

    BEC - ✔
    REG - ✔
    AUD - ✔
    FAR - 11/29/14

    CPAExcel, Ninja MCQs, and a sh*t ton of coffee



    Yaeger recommends 15 minutes per WC. 5 minutes to get your thoughts together and 10 minutes to type it in.

    The WC is Yager have the “role play”. The WC asks you to play the role. Yes they also suggested to like in Becker to use “looking forward to meeting” or ” looking forward to seeing you”. stuff.

    Once of the WC is pretest.

    FAR - 81 29th Aug 2013
    AUD - 84
    REG - 82
    BEC - 89 29th Aug 2014
    Using Yager



    My typing and grammar went really bad in the last post. 🙂 ironically about WC.

    FAR - 81 29th Aug 2013
    AUD - 84
    REG - 82
    BEC - 89 29th Aug 2014
    Using Yager



    Love me some role play


    You shall play the role of ” sitting for the exam” soon

    FAR - 81 29th Aug 2013
    AUD - 84
    REG - 82
    BEC - 89 29th Aug 2014
    Using Yager


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