Becker Review before FAR

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  • #188636

    Hi all, I’m using Becker for FAR and it looks like after I’m done with F10, I’ll have 5 days before the exam date. Does anyone have any suggestions/tips on how to most effectively review the material during those last 5 days before the exam?

    Any advice is much appreciated!

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  • #601797

    I can't speak for Becker specifically, but what I did for my FAR final review (about 5 days or so) with CPAexcel was drill as many mcqs as I possibly could (about 150 a day). I made a notecard for every question I got wrong that explained that concept. In addition to other notes and notecards I previously made I would especially go through all of those new notecards to make sure I knew those concepts I was iffy on. Also, make note of any weak areas you might have during your normal course of study and go back over those during your final review.

    Good luck!

    FAR - Aug '14 - 90
    AUD - Jan '15 - 91
    REG - May '15 - 93
    BEC - July '15 - 85

    Used CPAexcel exclusively
    Master of Science in Accounting (focus in Tax) May '15


    Personally, I would skip reviewing anything related to Becker altogether and buy the Ninja MCQs and go through all of those over the next 5 days. That was what I did- used Becker for studying and another MCQ bank to review.


    Thank you for the suggestions!

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