Confused about the updates to Audit B Becker Textbook

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  • #186772

    Becker Question –

    Hi I’m going to the Audit B textbook and on the updates to the book it includes old material from the old textbook. Are the saying the exam will test what’s in Audit B and what’s in Audit A for these two sections?

    “The AICPA has stated that it will continue to test the 10 GAAS standards through 2014.

    The Clarified SAS outline a new, more detailed form of auditor’s report that should be used for audits of NONISSUER financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2012. This new auditor’s reporting model is outlined on pages A1-12 to A1-44 of the Audit B textbook. The AICPA has”

    “Click here for a link to text covering the 10 GAAS standards and old auditor’s report.”

    “Because the AICPA has stated that it will continue to test the old SAS through 2014, it is possible that questions that make specific reference to illegal acts will appear on the CPA exam. Click here for a link to text covering illegal acts.”

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  • Author
  • #589808

    can someone answer this question: ? Still confused..


    Do you have the updated Becker videos?

    Passed - 2014



    I have the 2013 Becker version (purchased after July 2013). I only access it online, so I don't think I have an option of selecting any updates.. unless they automatically update the website

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