CPAexcel rant – REG

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  • #184550

    So I have been studying REG for about a week using Wiley CPAexcel. I successfully used CPAexcel for all other parts, passing all three on my first try. I only supplemented FAR with the WTB. I decided to start with the tax section since that is a weak area for me and much more important for the actual exam. CPAexcel prides itself on bite-sized lectures but there is nothing bite-sized about the tax videos. On AVERAGE the videos are about 20 minutes long for a very specific topic area; for property transactions alone there are 6 separate videos that are around 20 minutes each. The lecturer seems to go into a level of detail that would never be tested on the exam. The same was true for FAR, but the videos were usually 10 minutes on average, much more “bite-sized” and tolerable in my opinion. I realize REG is a tough topic area, but is a 30 minute video for 1231 cost recapture really necessary? My understanding is that Becker covers much broader topic areas in 2-3 hours lectures. I don’t want to waste my time memorizing needless details that would never be tested. Can people who have used CPAexcel successfully for REG provide any tips?

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