early score release question

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  • #187230

    My previous FAR score was 72. I took the test again and am waiting for score. Today, I noticed on the cpacentral@nasba.org website that it says they received my score. It also says 72 again as the latest score. However, under the passed or credit section is blank. Does that mean that I got a 72 again or they just haven’t updated the score even though it says the scores were received

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  • #582420

    I think the site is a little glitchy at the moment. NASBA apparently received my REG score a week ago. I have not taken REG.

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!


    There is a post from last week that we were debating the same thing and someone emailed them, they are having technical issues with that. The date there is supposed to be the date of the score, but for some reason the date that you sat for the last exam is showing up.

    It also lets you sign up for the section that you may have just sat for – insinuating you may have failed, but multiple people tried on the post and everyone waiting for a score was able to do the same thing. I would say, if you are really concerned about it being the actual score – check it via the online scores way, where you put in your section ID and birthday and most likely it'll say that there are no scores to display.

    FAR - 84.
    AUD - X,X,76.
    REG - X,X,75.
    BEC - X,X,74*, 81 AND IM DONE!!!!!!

    *if i dont pass, i lose FAR.

    Study materials: Becker videos/MCQ/Books, NINJA Blitz helped to finally pass AUD and REG.

    First exam was in May 2013, seems like so long ago - FINALLY DONE!!!

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