FAR, Test in 7 1/2 weeks and haven't touched the topic

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  • #197430

    I got myself in a bit of a pickle where I need to finish all exams by the end of November or else I lose BEC credit. I failed REG at the end of last window……I just retook REG on 10/2 and I think I did well, but regardless I need to hit FAR hard to take it on 11/30 in hopes that I did pass REG.

    I had to travel right after the exam until now and this is my first day back. I just realized I have NOTHING in regard to study materials. I have expired Becker, but it puts me to sleep and let’s just say I can’t upgrade it if you know what I mean.

    I love NINJA and Roger, but Roger is expensive and I am poor!

    I’m thinking Ten Point Combo for FAR, do you think if I hit the Ten Point Combo hard for 7 1/2 weeks running MCQ’s all along (adding sections to the pot as I study them) will get me there? Or should I bite the bullet and get Roger or something else to supplement my NINJA-ness?

    I should be able to put a MINIMUM of 115 hours of study time between now and 11/30, hopefully more.

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