CPA Exam First time pass rate - Page 2

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  • #157326


    I am just curious as to what the percentage is of people who pass this whole thing the first time? I know its pretty low, but I just wonder if anyone has an actual number of the people who only take each part once.


    BEC - 79; FAR-79, AUD-80, REG-80


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  • #340159

    TinkelTinkel. Bravo senor, excellent points all around, really swell job. Except the part about people going on to have extremely successful careers without passing the CPA exam (that really doesn't add to your point about the CPA exam not stacking up against the other exams does it? It fact it does quite the opposite and is rather irrelevant to your point). Also, people taking the CPA exams, aren't trying to be just “accountants” are they? They are trying to be CPA's. So when you compare those numbers to people who are actual lawyers, I'm not really sure that the numbers are that staggering. For example the American Bar Association has 400,000 members, while the AICPA only has 350,000. and Oh and also, most states require 5 years of college units, and those states that offer to allow you to sit for the exams with only 4 require extra experience. Oh and also, you don't actually need law school to be a lawyer either, it's called the Law Office Study Program (LOSP) where you can trade in your extra schooling for actual experience under an already licensed lawyer (sort of like the 4 year thing mentioned above that requires extra experience that some states offer). Keep up the good work TinkelTinkel, I know I speak for everyone when I say that I find your thoughts to be extremely inspiring. Nothing says keep up the good work like “Quit complaining, the test is really easy. Just be glad you don't have to take an actually hard test like the bar exam.” Now I'm not disagreeing with you about which test is harder, frankly, I wasn't aware it was a competition nor am I aware why I should care about the Bar Exam at all as I am not actually in the process of taking it. However, unlike you, I will admit that my ignorance of the bar exam renders my opinions utterly useless and will not even purport to know a damn thing about it. But again, does it matter?


    Well said, bbrowning911!


    Thanks bbrowning911 for your response.

    BEC - 83 (7/09),FAR - 80 (11/09), AUD - 84 (1/10), REG -82 (3/10)


    Really? I find it equally comical that “so many” people would pay our buddy Jon Corzine a boatload of money just to say that and pay the additional college costs for the ‘privelage and prestige' of being fingerprinted, photographed, and patted down (OK,a little exaggeration there) and videotaped for four hours in a test center, for “nothing”



    I nearly tinkled on myself when I read that. Or is is “tinkeled”?


    Thank you bbrowning911 for your fabulous response! Well cited!


    Ok. Looks like some of you have no clue what you are talking about. One response of, “…~50%” and another of over 30%. Granted, with the new testing process the numbers are up, devalueing those of us who tested all 4 parts at once.

    So while a few of you are super proud of your first time passing–one section at at time and spread out over months, while it is an accomplishment, you did so by taking one part of the test at a time. That's like claiming to have run a marathon but running 6.5 miles one week, 6.5 miles the next week, and so on for 4 weeks. Yes you ran 26 miles but not all at once. See how the numbers of succes grow as you make the challenge easier.

    Take 2 full days and test all 4 parts and lets see how you do. Then you can brag.


    Wow. This thread is about to get ugly.

    I think I smell troll.


    @ TheREAL_CPA_test – Do you realize the breadth of content is probably 40-50% more per part than in the “paper exam”? That alone makes it equal to the paper exam. Nothing else to say here.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    When troll took the paper exam, there was no BEC either.


    @the'REAL'_CPA_test, I would have preferred taking the paper exam over 2 days than doing the CBT version, so take AND pass the computerized exam, THEN you can brag. How do ya like that one?

    Comparing the paper exam to the computerized exam is like comparing apples to oranges to a certain degree and there's no need to feel superior to those who took/passed one or the other. Get off your high horse and find some other way to stroke that fragile ego of yours.


    Nice post bammers!

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I just prefer to see the standard maintained rather than diluted. Shame on the AICPA for this. No doubt the change was driven to drive up revenue. More members means more revenue. Simplify the process and add to the “customer” base.

    The selling point of the newer test is that the “breadth” of each section will compensate for the simplification fo the testing process. Sorry, but the ability to focus on one section only still does not compare to preparing for all. And the argument of breadth is pedestrian at best. The breadth was there before requiring the tester to prepare for it all.

    So @herbert7890 and @bammers3, go play with your nerf ball and leave the leather to the pros.


    The old paper and pencil had Blaw and Pr was one whole part! So EZ!!



    @ TheREAL_CPA_test:

    I think your generalized statements about the current exam shows your ignorance. I work with many CPAs who have passed “the paper and pencil” exam, and they lack many skills needed in today's professional arena to be competent, efficient, etc. Who the heck uses paper and pencil as their main source to do anything any more? Most of these people are lacking in the basic computer skills that are needed nowadays.

    As for the current system where you can take one exam at a time, do you think the required accounting knowledge is increasing or decreasing from year to year? Of course it is increasing with IDRS, etc.

    So, is one exam harder than another, it's tough to tell, but I'm pretty sure you aren't the expert to decide.

    BEC - 83 (10/22/10)
    REG - 87 (11/30/10)
    AUD - 76 (02/26/11)
    FAR - 79 (04/26/11)

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