For studying… which do you prefer?

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  • #199166

    Which do you prefer for taking notes while studying, and why? Side-bound note books, or legal pads? And, why?

    (This likely won’t apply for those of you who type out notes)

    Back at it.

    FAR - 55, 72, 73, May 2016
    AUD - 69, July 2016
    REG - Late 2016
    BEC - Late 2016

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  • #752774

    Truthfully, I don't have much of a preference. I use a legal pad because I can get them at the office for free 🙂

    I definitely think writing is better than typing notes though. I read a study somewhere that said you understand the material more if you write because you're actually thinking about what you're writing. I'm not sure if it was a verified statistic though.

    FAR 80
    REG 87
    BEC 87
    AUD 96

    Primarily Gleim, supplemented with Ninja Notes & Ninja MCQs

    Missouri CPA as of January, 2017

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    My office, too, provides legal pads. I write copious amount of notes, but to be honest, I never review them. For FAR I had 6 notebooks full of notes, Audit I had 3 + several legal pads, and for BEC I've used 3 legal pads so far. Mostly I am just writing down information as I go through the MCQs. Since all of the information is so unorganized, it is irrelevant whether I use a side-bound notebook or a legal pad. When I was writing notes as I was reading my chapters for FAR, I preferred the side-bound because I had information I needed to find.


    I'M DONE!!


    Neither one. I can't use notes while studying. It is too distracting for me. I got my degree in accounting with taking minimal amounts of notes. Most of what was important to be remembered was in the book anyways.


    I have a photographic memory. Once I see it, I will never forget it. There is no need for me to take any note. And yes, I'm just kidding lol

    REG 90
    FAR 95
    AUD 98
    BEC 84


    Neither..the only ‘notes' I take are the flashcards I make to remember important acronyms or formulas. I learn best by doing MCQ's and understanding why an answer was wrong or right. I don't have much patience for taking notes, but I do agree that writing it down helps you to remember it easier than just reading or listening to it.

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    Copy paper sheets in a folder. This way you can sort them, replace them, insert them, etc.

    F91 A95 R90 B94
    CMA since 2015
    (Gleim books/PDFs, MCQs, SIMS)


    I write down notes and mnemonics on index cards. As someone said, you retain more when you write as opposed to typing.
    I don't go over the flash cards daily but when I travel somewhere I will bring them along. Of course, nothing beats doing the MCQs and SIMs repeatedly.


    Off topic in REG, maybe here too? I like CPA Reviewed Podcasts on Stitcher (maybe because I get to use headphones at work?), so I keep working on strategy until my family says I have to pick someone's strategy and stick with it. I'm considering making a video journal, but I grabbed a legal pad from my brother who bought them for his business with his permission, and I'm considering what I heard, to get a stack of legal pads and use them on questions.. the book, etc., to teach myself REG perhaps even follow rewriting the Notes or SuperFast Notes instead as I do more cumulative MCQ's.. I know I have many areas to “iron out.” in my analytics.. we'll see how I'm doing when I finish bankruptcy law/Debtor-Creditor relationships. I got 10 point combo in the middle of REG, but I've been using Blitz and MCQ's prior supplementary. Now I'm considering the reverse, Ninja as my main/Gleim supplementary. I hope switching things up will be beneficial? GLM/NIN vs. NIN/GLM? for FAR?

    AUD - 75
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 76
    REG - 80
    “Focus on the future for 50%, on the present for 40%, and on the past for 10%." - Maasaki Hatsumi
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