General and program revenue

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  • #194094

    Aren’t general revenue and program revenue the same thing?

    State and local governments have various sources of revenue. When revenues restricted to a particular function are derived from parties outside the reporting government’s constituency, these revenues are classified as:

    A. program revenues.

    B. general revenues.

    C. general revenues and program revenues.

    D. specific revenues.

    Answer A. Programs are financed with program revenues and general revenues. Program revenues are derived directly from the program itself or from parties outside the reporting government’s taxpayers or citizenry, as a whole; they reduce the net cost of the function to be financed from the government’s general revenues. Financing from outside parties that is restricted to a specific program or programs is considered program revenue.

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  • Author
  • #666127

    no the answer says program revenue comes from the program itself.

    BEC 87 Feb 14
    REG 84 Apr 14
    FAR 82 Nov 14
    AUD 86 Feb 15

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