If I cannot even handle the pressure of taking the CPA, will I die at work?

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    I may not be the brightest but I don’t think I’m the dullest either. I feel that I am failing my exams due to obvious reasons such as poor study habits but more importantly, the pressure is soo stressful for me. I blank out during the exams!

    Taking the exam each time stresses me out and I feel like hyperventilating every time during an exam. Not normal right? My friend who has experience at a regional firm tells me that if I cannot even handle the pressure of taking an exam, working at a Big 4 will be a killer for me. He tells me I should just quit since I freak out after each exam and that working will be even MORE INTENSE than an exam.

    Do you guys think my friend is correct? If I cannot even handle an exam will this reflect my performance and attitude at work? The exam shakes me up so bad that now I’m truly worried about working. Does this mean I am incompetent?

    Thx all. I will seriously appreciate every honest feedback at this point.

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  • #609658

    Some people excel at work but are horrible at studying/taking tests – I think they are independent of each other so take what your friend says with a grain of salt.

    The best thing you can do for yourselft to overcome your test anxiety is to be as prepared as you can going into the test. You state in your post you have poor study habits – I bet your test anxiety would decrease if you felt prepared going into the exam – that means hitting 80-90 percent on the MCQ testbank that you need to be working if you want to pass.

    Also, don't quit based on what someone else says to you – if this is a goal of yours go after it, persevere; you will get it done eventually, being well prepared is key.


    I agree with your friend to a point. I think your friend was implying that these tests aren't worth freaking out about. They're intense, no doubt. And a little pressure on yourself is necessary. Work may or may not be more intense than the exams but there will certainly be challenges in life that are more intense. Learning to roll with it is the only thing that makes life bearable.

    said by someone who took 43+ years to learn the lesson above, but the important thing is I eventually did learn not to sweat the small stuff.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    Your friend is right to some extent. It doesn't mean your incompetent- just wound tight. You should get a relaxing hobby or start smoking pot or something (but only if it's legal in your state ;).

    It's best to take a step back and chill. An angel doesn't get its wings clipped if you fail a test. The same applies when you have to work a weekend or two.

    Being challenged at life is much better than the alternative- boredom. Trust me- I've been there.


    I have crazy anxiety as well and all you can do is prepare yourself extensively. My first few exams I would keep a xanax in my pocket. Just knowing it's there calmed me down.

    AUD: 84
    REG: 84
    BEC: 79
    FAR: 83


    They are different kinds of intense. Taking an exam is a very different experience from working. Plus, when studying for the exams, you are pretty much self-managed, in that you set your own time schedule and then are responsible for meeting it. You just have a long term deadline of exam day, which if you have poor study habits can be hard to meet. When you start work, you will be managed by others who have set the schedule and make sure you are meeting deadlines, and they are much shorter deadlines, with mini deadlines for each step along the way. I think you'll be fine.

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    I agree that test taking and work are different types of stress. One thing they have in common though is work ethic. You have to be willing to do the work that's required, and in public accounting, you'll usually have to do it under a tight deadline. I think that over time, that type of pressure can build and make a person miserable if they're prone to getting overwhelmed. I recommend you think about what specifically stresses you out, and about the things that are within your control. Use that knowledge to learn to how to cope with the anxiety. Meditation and yoga are both useful to relieve stress and anxiety on test day and on study breaks.

    In my opinion, preparation sounds like a factor in your test-taking anxiety. You mention yourself that you might have some poor study habits and so you might not be fully prepared for these exams in the first place. That could be causing your anxiety during and after the test. I bet you would have a different experience if you had a solid study plan and followed it through.

    BEC - 88
    AUD - 74, 87
    REG - 77
    FAR - 63, 82

    CIA certified in 2013


    Work pressure and exam pressure is TOTALLY different. Trust me, I get super nervous before, during, and after (score release) exams. You will be fine once you start working. I guess it's different everywhere, but you won't be feeling any real pressure until you move up a little and get more responsibility.


    Wow, thank you guys so much.

    I feel slightly more relieved that I can hope that work will be a lil better. Thank you for your replies! Crossing my fingers


    I agree with all the posts here. Taking tests vs real life work are completely different and don’t let that get you down. I’m the same when it comes to taking tests, having a hard time passing these exams but when it comes to work I consider myself to be very good and reliable. Its just how our brains function. Don’t think you are alone, and don’t let that limit your potential. You can do it!


    Hey @blahh, what do you consider your strong points when it comes to work?


    @mikiluv – I think your lack of preparedness and bad study habit is causing you to get flustered easily and not have the confidence you need which is why you continue to stress out for the exams. I believe if you make a study plan and stick with it will help you overcome your anxiety because you will be more prepared and feel more confident when you sit down for the exam.

    AUD - 90
    BEC - 78
    FAR - 84
    REG - 87
    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - In Progress
    Phase III : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase IV : Form the new Charlie's Angels with Megan Fox, Scarlett Johansson, & Gal Gadot
    Phase V : TBD

    BEC : 78
    REG : 87
    FAR : 84
    AUD : 90

    World Domination Plan

    Phase I : Pass CPA Exams - Complete
    Phase II : Megan Fox - Initiated
    Phase III : Bring back 8-Tracks
    Phase IV : Megan Fox & Scarlett Johansson Lingerie Pillow Fight
    Phase V : TBA


    I think work and exams are totally different. I do not test well, but at work I excel. What stops you from having better study habits? It sounds like maybe you just need to focus and commit. I totally blew my first attempts at these exams, I finally went and got put on ADD meds, after years of knowing I needed to. Now I am more focused, determined and passing the exams. The point in that, is figure out whats important, and do what you can do to make it work out. I have zero social life right now, but I know its temporary. I think all Accounting jobs are deadline driven so get prepared for that now. I'm sure your future managers will appreciate you maximizing your time and managing your schedule without being micro-managed. Don't ever quit, you can do it. Best of luck!

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