Need Advice – FAR Exam 2/9/2015

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  • #191529

    I am feeling so unprepared with 3 weeks left before my FAR exam. I am trying to determine if I should reschedule for a later date or just go ahead and take the exam. I have been using the Ninja MCQ, Ninja Notes, and Ninja Audio as study materials but I am just starting the adaptive stage of the MCQ, working through each section of questions and my scores are not where they need to be. My plan is to keep pounding away with the MCQ’s and read the Ninja notes every chance I get and write them atleast one time before the exam. It has been really hard with keeping my study schedule while working two jobs during tax season. I have been studying 1 hour each morning before work, lunch hours, and 3-4 hours two nights a week, and about 6 hours on Sundays.

    Does anyone have any advice?

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  • #642752

    Hi there! It seems like this would be your fist part you will be taking the exam on. I would say you should try to stick with your exam schedule. You will not feel prepared for the first exam most of the time but you should stay positive and work harder. I understand you have two jobs and now with tax season is even more difficult but try to study more nights during the week and add Saturdays. You appear to be scheduled for February so it is not so bad and well before 4/15 which is the tax deadline for most people. Just take advantage now before all the chaos approaching 4/15 and make an effort to study harder. You can make it!


    Thank you for responding, Coquipr41. It is my first section. I also forgot to mention I have been using the Ninja FAR Book as well for my study materials and I watched the all the Ninja Blitz videos in the beginning of my study plan. One positive side is that I work for a local government full time (tax season part time) so the governmental accounting MCQ's seem easier to me than others. Hopefully this will help during exam time. You are right, I should keep pressing on. Thank you for the reassurance.

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