Need FAR advice (got a 74)

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  • #179914
    Tax lawyer


    I was one of the many who waited forever for scores this past week. After previously passing the other 3 parts (with one set to expire in January) on the first try with high 80s/low 90s, I recently found out that I received a 74 on FAR. I don’t really have much of a financial accounting background. I never even took any courses in the subject. Unfortunately I am not entirely sure how to restart myself on this exam and it seems as though I desperately need to. Also unfortunately is the fact that my Becker courses expire in 2 weeks and, although I did 100% of the questions, because I ordered all 4 study parts at the same time over a year ago, I am not eligible for the Becker promise. Further complicating matters is the fact I am now going into busy season and then will be moving across the country in early November. So I guess I was wondering the following:

    1. In light of how closely I scored and how long, for whatever reason, it took to get the scores out, should I challenge my score? I heard it usually doesn’t amount to anything but am wondering if the fact it took so long for the exam results to come out might make this a special case

    2. What should I use for exam prep if I was to retake it? It seems Becker is likely out and I don’t have a ton of money. Something adaptive would be helpful as I honestly have no idea of my weak areas for the exam. Has anyone used Exammatrix?

    3. How should I study for this thing? I really feel like I just don’t know where to start since I got so close to a 75 and still fell short


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  • #434262

    Don't bother challenging it, its never been successful. I am concerned at how many people I see on here who think a glitch in score releases warrants an appeal of the score. The two have nothing to do with each other.

    You start over from scratch. You don't need one more point. You need 75 points.

    Good luck!

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I've heard that Becker gives extensions out if you only have one more exam left, or at least have it scheduled. You might have already called them, but it's worth trying to get the extension if you haven't already tried!

    In either case, maybe think about supplementing with the audio/notes and/or the Wiley test bank. I like to use the test bank as my review since I've seen all of the Becker questions (and tend to memorize the answers).

    R - *77*(02/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    A - 71('11); *87*(04/'13)-Becker & NINJA
    F - *76*(08/'13)-Becker & NINJA - "server upgrade" survivor
    B - 60('11); *82*(10/'13) -Becker & NINA


    CPA in Massachusetts; issued 01/24/14

    Tax lawyer

    Mla1169: Thanks. I was thinking the same but my friends and family kept saying- “well because you had to wait so much longer, can't you just get them to re-review the score?” and remember not too long ago that months after one group took FAR that it came out the scores for a few people were wrong so figured I'd double check

    Neika822: Thanks. I didn't realize that about Becker. I will give them a call today. I did use Wiley testbank (or at least the iPad app of questions) for each of the 4 parts. They seemed pretty spot-on for REG/AUD/BEC but I didn't find them as useful for FAR for some reason.


    @taxlawyer Becker should be willing to give you an extension. You will have to show them proof that you have your test scheduled. Once my software expired within a month of my testing date and they gave me an extension.

    Hope this helps!!


    The score challenge is when you pay for the AICPA to make sure they used the correct answer key when grading your exam. They don't actually consider any specific questions, that is an appeal. Some states allow an appeal. You would basically go through your exam and pay for each question you want them to reconsider your answer for. You explain why you answered what you did, and try to convince them it should have been marked as correct. I don't think any score has ever been adjusted. (But if you have a legal background as your screen name suggests, maybe you could be the first ever to get succeed at it!)

    If you are unable to get a Becker extension, I highly recommend a CRAM course (I used Yaeger). It would probably take about 6 weeks to work through. If you can put 25 hours a week in. And maybe add an extra week on, for thorough review (FAR is such a beast!).

    Even though “you don't need 1 point, you need 75” (best reminder ever), it won't take as long to work through some of the more difficult concepts, as you should have a better understanding of them from your 1st time around.

    I consider myself a restudy expert (nothing to be excited about, lol) because my first three exams were 74,73,74. I switched up my study method and went 4/4. The TLTR version: My method was NINJA Study Method adjusted for my style. Watch videos, add to my notes from the first time through, do all of the homework, keep a Fact Nugget book while working questions, start a flash card deck. Rewrite my notes, continue to add to the Nuggets. Take a full practice exam. Starting with my weakest section, work 30mcq at a time until I scored in the 80's, then on to the next. Take a 2nd full practice exam.

    Always read your fact nuggets and flash cards over and over. Put all of the most helpful mnemonics/formulas/JE on one page (like a cheat sheet). Rewrite this sheet from memory a couple of times. On exam day, you will naturally be able to write out the most helpful things on your scratch notecard thing.

    Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and go get it. You can do this. A 74 is heartbreaking, but it shows you are going to pass, you know this stuff, you just hadn't mastered it. Spend some extra time on the little minute subjects, as you can probably pick up some random points from the little stuff.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*

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