Need help mastering my studying

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  • #199102

    I have my exam scheduled for BEC in the last week of January. What I’ve been doing is that i’ve been following the lectures by becker and highlighting and underlining them memorizing the important parts and doing the multiple choice. I’ve been getting in the range of high 50’s and low 70’s and it’s mostly in the middle. The reason why I do bad is because the examples in the book are so easy but it gets so complicated in the homework assignments. After studying the first two sections again in terms of it’s multiple choice they had a option homework assignment and i thought i was ready for it but it was nothing like the homework because it took complicated questions and just asked a different part of it. Can someone cheer my mood up. I also bought ninja mcq for the 2 week review process. What can I do?

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  • #752461

    I've learned that repetition is the best thing. Don't get too caught up in how many wrong it is a momentum crusher. Just make sure you are understanding the “why “of the right and wrong answers. I too was getting frustrated over my ninja scores but as I began to nail down the materials I began to score higher. The other problem is skipping, I skipped and I failed. Don't skip, make sure you cover everything. The only way to cover everything is to give yourself enough time to study. NO SHORT CUTS TO PASSING :-/ I don't have Becker, but ninja is awesome and not far off of the actual exam. Stick with ninja and refer to Becker to solidify concepts if you must.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader.....time to pass

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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