NJ Work Experience Questions

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  • #182549

    No one at the NJ Board of Accountancy picks up the phone so i thought i’d throw this question to the forum.

    According to the NJBOA website work experience qualifies as:

    “An applicant for certification, having passed the examination, must provide satisfactory evidence of:

    1. One year of experience in the practice of public accounting or its equivalent, under the direction of a licensee AND

    2,.The experience includes evidence of intensive and diversified experience in auditing or accounting as determined by regulation of the board.”

    Firstly, though this might sound dumb, can someone give me a definition of public accounting? I always thought a public accountant was someone who had the ability to audit an issued firm. My assumption is then you can’t work for a private company and do accounting related tasks under the supervision of a CPA and that work counts towards work experience. If someone could answer my first question and confirm this assumption, I’d greatly appreciate it.



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