Question regarding study strategy

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  • #178595

    I have been studying (watching review course videos and answering MCQ’s) for about a month. To date I have answered 449 questions and my individual section scores range from 25%-71%.

    Just retested on 3 of my weakest areas and scored a 53%. This is where a question comes in. How should I proceed? Should I restudy and retest over these sections again or move on? My test is scheduled for 8/26 and I am at a real loss on how I can get myself in the 75%-90% for practice in order to pass the exam with a 75.

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  • #425422

    That's a really big range. For the 25% correct-60% correct, I would say those scores indicate that you do not understand the material well enough to move on. If you score over 60%, yeah you have some problems, but it may be worth trucking along for the sake of getting everything done.

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