REG breakdown – becker or ninja mcq

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  • #198235


    I am on my last part of the CPA journey – I have about 2 weeks left and I was hopping someone could break down the important chapters whether Becker or ninja mcq!!!

    I have hear that REG exam is like 80% tax and about 20 % business law. Can you someone please help me narrow down in what I should be prioritizing during my final review?? I don’t need specifics – just what you all think should be priority !

    I will really appreciate all your help!! Thanks again and good luck to all ninja taking a cpa exam on the last window

    "A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step" - LT
    " Your dream doesn't have a expiration date, take a deep breath and try again"

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    Doneeee Dec 2015

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