Review Report Options

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  • #165274

    For audit reports you have multiple options: Unqualified, Unqualified w/ explanatory paragraph, Qualified, Adverse, Disclaimer.

    What are the options for review reports? Googling has no answers to this, and my books have limited vague statements. Is it: standard report, qualified (GAAP departure & Disclosures), or withdraw from the engagement?

    Based on that, I see the following differences:

    No unqualified w/ explanatory paragraphs allowed

    No Scope limitation option on a qualified report

    No disclaimer or adverse option

    This seems like such a basic question. Why can’t I find the answer anywhere? All I can find is “the standard review report.”

    BEC - 88
    AUD - 69, 74, 93
    FAR - 78
    REG - 79

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  • #321033

    I think you'll find the answer in the AR standards, more specifically AR 90.27.

    I'm not sure of the material that you use, but the Wiley book (AUD) has copies of most of the standards required.

    I found a link to AR 90

    The AICPA website has lots of info – click the research tab, then standards.

    And remember there is no opinion on the review or comp report.


    reading the AT or AR standards is the way to figure it out. that's all i did when i got stumped. if you're looking for a particular codification, just google AT100 or AR 90. there's great information in all the pronouncements. (scroll to the Appendices, that's usually where the reports are.)


    Thanks for the help. I found the same thing over dinner just now. Even though there aren't ever questions about that, it just seems so basic and important to know.

    BEC - 88
    AUD - 69, 74, 93
    FAR - 78
    REG - 79

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