Should I skip the Becker IT chapter 4?

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  • #195965

    I can’t get past page 1. It’s riddled with false statements. Maybe I’m just being too proud, but I don’t want to keep reading stuff that will impair what I already know. I’ve previously noticed several iffy areas on Becker and have written to them, but on AUD/FAR topics that I guess can be viewed from a different; often because they “plagiarize” source statements that are totally out of context. Classic response: “You’re going too in-detail and it won’t be on the exam”, or “well its not false”

    Both those reasons are such trash and probably the reason more people fail than not. Thoughts are better remembers when they’re connected with logic. Spewing half liners and quick facts (many on IFRS) is the reason I hate Becker.

    Yes, I will pass, and Yes I am using becker. But god do they not deserve the credit.

    FYI for those interested: B4-3:

    1. IT doesn’t include people or data(jury’s still out on databases, but leaning my way.)

    2. And Information systems are not a component of IT. IT is a component of IS. And I’m pretty sure business information systems is not even a real term outside academics anymore, but it definitely isn’t just the set of software.

    3. As much as I hate Becker, I’m even a little disappointed in my company for partnering with them, not that I dont appreciate the free prep…but dudes…its Devry…way to make me feel smart.

    Sorry for the vent, but for reals..should I just head to MCQ, perhaps look at britannica and other public stuff?

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