Study BEC differently from FAR?

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  • #196113
    the LAST Coffee

    I feel good when I study for FAR knowing I covered most of these topics back in college.

    However, BEC, while the smallest of the exams, is by means easy. There’s formulas, costing systems, and terminologies I need to understand and I feel like using the same study methods I did with FAR wouldn’t work with BEC.

    I haven’t used flash cards for FAR, but will need to with BEC. Forgive me for saying so, but BEC is so much harder than FAR. Anyone here have any other recommendations on how to study for BEC? I’m almost done with my Roger CPA Review and have 2 weeks of review to go back and nail down costing systems and formulas…

    FAR 84 (AUG '15)
    BEC 83 (AUG '15)
    AUD 79 (OCT '15)
    REG 71, 78! (NOV '15, FEB '16)

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