Study Plan for FAR!

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  • #192840

    I am using Wiley CPAexcel. I started studying using the format CPA Excel suggested ( Lecture, Study Text, MCQ) But I am not feeling like this is effective and that I will forget most of this stuff in a week or two. I think going forward I am going to follow the Ninja strat and buy the Ninja Notes. So to confirm I should watch all videos on CPA excel, re-write the notes and then go crazy on the MCQ. Is this a recipe for success? Is this how you succeeded?

    AUD - 94
    BEC - 86
    FAR - 85
    REG - 84
    AUD 94- Feb 2016
    BEC 86- June 2016
    Far 85- August 2015
    Reg 84- October 2016

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 93
    REG - 8/31/16
    BEC -84

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