Studying for Auditing w/ Becker

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  • #191036

    So I just recently started going through the program for Becker AUD. The first chapter has me crazy confused and I’ve read it twice and am unable to retain anything i’ve read there. I feel that i can’t move on to the next chapter because of the lack of information that i’ve retained in that chapter. What are your guys opinion/recommendations when this happens? I’ve talked to my partner at my firm and he suggests just getting through as much information as i can. I disagree obviously because i’m afraid that on exam day. I won’t know a single thing. I think if i have to read each chapter more than twice a week than it will burn me out before exam day Q1-2015

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  • #636357

    I'm using becker as well. Don't feel discouraged if you're confused at first. You'll find that the other chapters build upon the first chapter, but not in a way that will totally confuse you. Rather than trying to memorize everything in the chapters, I recommend jumping into a ton of multiple choice.

    BEC | √
    AUD| √
    FAR| Spring 2015


    I have Becker watch the videos.


    u can learn the info through multiple choice. skim through the info and just hit mcq like theres no tomorrow and when u get confused reference the material


    I agree that the later chapters will help clarify the first few topics in the earlier chapters.

    When I studied, I just read it once carefully and tried to understand as much as I could.

    Then when I'm done with all the chapters, I would revisit each chapter (not re-read but go over the key points) and see how it all flow together.

    For example: there are lots of different type of audit reports/compilations/reviews etc, but they all follow a general flow with a few differences.

    MCQ were important too because I felt it brings out some of the important facts that you may have overlooked when you were studying.


    Use becker final review (not the regular book), read every page, two times, watch all the final review lectures. To me that final review book helped me alot, I have no audit background and I never read the regular book or watch any regular lectures.

    FAR - 76...PASSED (NOV 2013)
    BEC - 86...PASSED (MAY 2014)
    AUD - 85...PASSED (OCT 2014)
    REG - 81...PASSED (NOV 2014)
    Ethics - 100% DONE!!!

    Becker Final Review (book/lecture), NINJA Notes, Wiley Test Bank.

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