Waiting for last exam score – should I keep studying "just in case"?

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  • #177679

    I just took my last exam, FAR, on Saturday 5/18. I’m in IL, so I’m expecting my score to be released 2.5 weeks from now (Saturday, June 8th).

    My question is… should I keep studying “just in case” I failed? My boyfriend and family think I should, so if I find out 1 week into June I failed, I can take it right away by July 15th. I like the idea, but I’d hate to study for 2.5 weeks (while working full time) if I didn’t need to.

    If this means anything… both times I failed exams in the past (REG and FAR) I walked out *CONVINCED* I failed. The three times I’ve passed, I walked out feeling “neutral” (REG retake, BEC) and good (AUD) about the test.

    For this FAR retake, I felt “neutral.” If that means anything haha. Thanks in advance for your advice/thoughts 🙂

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