Was Actually A Little Excited to Study BEC…

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  • #194031

    Keyword: WAS-My degree that I got 7 years ago is in General Business. I by no means thought it was going to be easy but I thought I would grasp the material faster than the other exams and so I gave myself the least amount of study time as far as weeks go. But after seeing how much I struggled with the material, I will be putting in almost the same amount of hours as I did for AUD. NINJA Avg is a 78% and trending at 80% which is a lot better than how I was looking a week ago but still not comfortable with the material. My test is in less than 7 days so cheers to a full weekend of studying! I’m not even sure where to begin with my final review. Good luck to everyone with exams coming up.

    FAR-85 (1/28/15)
    AUD-91 (4/3/15)
    BEC-82 (5/21/15)
    REG-90 (7/31/15)

    I am done!!!!

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  • #665558

    Good luck on your test. You are certainly not the first nor the only person to hope a certain section will come easier. This exam is intentionally meant to be a marathon, and not a sprint. Hang in there!

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015


    @10key How did you go from a 69 to a 95 in AUD? Impressive!

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