What are the becker review books like?

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  • #197904

    I google searched a table of contents for Becker’s FAR, and what I found was that it has 10 sections with roughly 10 subtopics in each section. For anyone that has used the books, is this correct? Everyone says FAR has a ton of information to learn but that’s not a lot (not relative to what i was expecting). How many pages does the book have (for anyone that has it)? I’m planning to take all 4 sections next summer in one window before starting full time in the fall so I’m just trying to mentally prepare myself for how I should divi up my studying.

    And for anyone who is going to advise me against taking all sections in one window, believe me this is my only option, and I honestly believe that I can do it successfully (I will have a whole 15 weeks to study for all parts, and I don’t have a family or other work obligations…..nothing but free time!) lol but I appreciate the concern in advance. We’re all family in this accounting world so I know you’re just looking out for me 😛

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