What are the Journal Entries for this MCQ?

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  • #187625

    Hoping someone can help me figure this out.. I know the gain for the debtor is the difference between the cv of the note and the fmv of asset given up, but what would the J/E be since land is only on the books for 75k? Thanks!

    Ace Corp. entered into a troubled debt restructuring agreement with National Bank. National agreed to accept land with a carrying amount of $75,000 and a fair value of $100,000 in exchange for a note with a carrying amount of $150,000. Disregarding income taxes, what amount should Ace report as a gain on restructuring the debt?


    This answer is correct. The gain on restructuring the debt would be the difference between the carrying amount of the note received and the FMV of the land given. The amount that Ace should report as gain in its income statement is

    $150,000 CV of note

    – 100,000 FMV of land

    $ 50,000 Gain on restructuring the debt

    FAR - 89 (8/19/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Books from School, Ninja Audio/Notes
    AUD - 92 (10/14/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Ninja Audio
    BEC - 82 (5/8/15) Mostly Ninja MCQ, sprinkles of Becker lectures and Ninja Audio
    REG - (8/14/15)

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  • Author
  • #586560

    You need two entries:

    One to recognize gain on FMV, the second for restructuring

    Land 25

    …Gain on FMV 25

    Loan 150

    … Land 100

    … Gain on restructuring 50

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)



    FAR - 89 (8/19/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Books from School, Ninja Audio/Notes
    AUD - 92 (10/14/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Ninja Audio
    BEC - 82 (5/8/15) Mostly Ninja MCQ, sprinkles of Becker lectures and Ninja Audio
    REG - (8/14/15)


    DR Note payable 150000

    CR Land 75000

    CR Gain on sale of land 25000

    CR Gain on debt restructuring 50000


    gain on sale of land would be ordinary

    and gain on debt restructuring is possibly extraordinary


    M.O.D.: What is the rational for writing up Land? I thought write ups are not permitted under US GAAP.


    This is part of troubled debt restructuring:

    The only purpose for the revaluation of the land/asset is to differentiate the gain/loss from the settlement for a debt and the gain/loss from disposal.

    This is not for the balance sheet, but for the income statement.

    BA Mathematics, UC Berkeley
    Certificates in CPA and EA preparation, College of San Mateo
    CMA I 420, II 470
    FAR 91, AUD Feb 2015 (Gleim self-study)

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