ELL Plan-Do I need to add weeks for final review?

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  • #3212444

    I am starting to study for BEC (my first section) on Monday. I’ll follow the ELL plan. Do I need to add 2 weeks at the end of the 7 week plan for a final review?

    Ideally I’d like to move onto studying the next section right after I take my BEC exam but I’m concerned about receiving a failing score and already being 3 weeks into studying for AUD when I find out and having to switch back to BEC. If I test right after the 7 weeks of the ELL plan I could test by March 10th and the scores are released a week later. If I add 2 weeks for a final review I would be testing on March 20th and have to wait for my score for 3 weeks. Should I test in the earlier first window or add review time and wait 3 weeks for my score?

    How do you handle receiving a failing score when you’ve already started studying for the next section? Do you keep going with that section or revert back to the failed topic and test again?

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