Is it necessary to "see" all questions at least once after seeing over 1000?

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  • #197764

    My BEC Exam is in 7 days and I am not sure how to approach my study schedule during this period of crunch time. I am trending at 72%. I really want to take advantage of the Adaptive Learning but I am not sure if I should rely on that. I rather let the program decide what my weak areas are and let me hammer those MCQs or customize my MCQs by section but NOT see new questions and let Ninja choose the weak areas in that specific section. I think 1000+ new questions is pretty solid but once again I didn’t pass this section the first time so I have no room to talk…

    Can someone please help me out and give me some advice on what I should do? Should I look at new questions OR trust the Adaptive Learning and nail those MCQs they test me with (weak areas) and begin doing cumulative MCQs?

    AUD - NINJA in Training
    BEC - 79
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - NINJA in Training
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