Ninja MCQ Suggestion Box :)

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  • #186708

    NINJA Question –

    Love the Ninja MCQ study materials. Two small suggestions that may make the reports a little more helpful: I’m starting to try to target my review to my weakest areas. I would love it if I could sort the summary / detailed reports by the Average and/or the Average Trending scores columns so these would pop right to the top or bottom of the list. Also, the detailed reports can be a little overwhelming. Another suggestion to maybe make this a little more user-friendly would be if there was a drop down box that would allow you to review one section at a time.

    Outside of these items, I do love the product! Going in soon to re-take Audit (got a 74 last time!), and I think this helped give me the boost I need to get that extra point! Wish me luck!!

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