2 Weeks to FAR – Rewrite Notes or Hammer More MCQ

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  • #1584223

    Tomorrow marks 2 weeks to FAR for me. I am torn between spending the next week rewriting my notes vs. rewriting NINJA notes vs. pounding out more MCQ. I have completed about 2,100 MCQ since I finished reading my Gleim book. I have gone into every chapter, but I have about 5 chapters of 20 that I have not gone into as much as I would like and some areas I’m still struggling with a bit. Should I rewrite my notes (about 60 pages double sided fact nuggets from missed MCQ) or NINJA notes and then spend my last week doing more MCQ and focusing on my trouble areas or should I keep on with the MCQ and focus on that and my weak areas over the full 2 weeks?
    Any advice is appreciated! I don’t want to run out of time and would still like to work on some SIMS as I haven’t done any SIMS yet and only have basic knowledge of their format.

    FAR : 90

    AUD : 86

    REG : 85

    BEC : Mar 2018


    Gleim, NINJA method and some Ninja supplement

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  • #1584227

    mccarta…just do MCQs. I personally think rewriting notes is a waste of precious time. Do 30-60 MCQs a day. Go back and reread the section of your book/notes that you got wrong during those 30-60 MCQs to hammer the concept in.

    I wouldn't go crazy on SIMs either. Doing some are beneficial to get the feel for them, but the SIMs on actual test day are much harder than any SIM in any review course. Learning the concept is much more important and will serve you well on test day.

    My biggest piece of advice is to read the questions carefully. If you understand the underlying concept of the question stem, you'll have a much higher rate of answering the question correctly (or narrowing it down to two answers). Hope this helps.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    I disagree with you on the SIM point. I felt like when I was studying for FAR some of the SIMS on Wiley encompassed more concepts and were harder then some of the SIMS I saw on the actual test.

    Do as many MCQ's and SIM's you can do a day. Good luck!

    Trust the Process

    FAR - 83 Wiley
    BEC - 68 Wiley, 74 (Wiley & NINJA), 79 (Wiley, NINJA, & Becker SIMS)
    AUD - 72 Wiley, 77 (Wiley & NINJA)
    REG - 88 Wiley & NINJA



    Thanks for the advice @broag and @kdawg22 !
    I think I'll keep pounding out MCQ and maybe try a few SIMs and then decide if I feel it's helpful to work through more.

    FAR : 90

    AUD : 86

    REG : 85

    BEC : Mar 2018


    Gleim, NINJA method and some Ninja supplement


    Everyone is different of course. I personally find re-writing my notes very helpful, although 60 double sided pages is quite a lot. I know Jeff's ninja method suggests re-writing notes if you have 2 weeks to review, and not rewriting if you only have 1.

    Becker for all

    AUD - 87 (Q2 2017)
    FAR - 97 (Q3 2017)
    REG - 95 (Q3 2017)
    BEC - 98 (Q3 2017)


    Wow…I know it's like waiting for paint to dry.

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