Advice on Getting Extra Study Material?

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  • #1745777

    So I took FAR last July with just Becker with 2 weeks study time because my NTS was expiring and got a 50 (YIKES, I know ;p). Took FAR again in March with both Becker and ninja monthly package with about a month prep time due to taking other tests in the testing window and got a 64 (not a pass, but a 14 point jump :))

    My question is, would getting Wiley or Gleim or any other test bank help me more or should I continue to grind the ninja mcqs? I have found the ninja questions to be very helpful in my prep and the Becker lectures to be better at helping me understand the material. Is it worth adding a third base of questions and lectures or is this overkill?

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  • #1745879

    Each one of us should have a primary CPA review source. Ideally, students are advised to get a secondary source ONLY when they’ve already used/covered (100%) their primary review materials.

    We should first master one review material, then and only after we’ve mastered the whole package (as we’ve already memorized the answers), it’s time to supplement it with other review sources.


    I didn’t use Becker but from what I heard from others who did, if you do exactly as they tell you, you will pass. Although people learn differently and maybe Becker’s style is not for you? I would suggest doing the trials for other review courses to find which would be a better fit. I used Roger and had no issues for 3 sections but kept failing BEC. Finally decided to supplement with Ninja. The advice someone had given me was to do make sure you get 80s on practice tests consistently before taking the actual test. Hope that helps! Good luck!

    Keep going and never give up! 🙂

    B - 64, 70, 73, 72, 83

    A - 81

    R - 70, 75

    F - 75


    your problem is not the study materials, it's not giving yourself enough to study with Becker. If you do everything Becker tells you -you will pass. I supplemented with Ninja for all of mine and liked it because after going through all of Becker MCQ you feel like you are going through the motions so a fresh set of MCQ for review time is great.

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