BEC study and exam tip please!

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  • #1586632

    I am going to take three weeks for BEC and study full-time.
    I failed BEC in March with 65. I am worried about the exam since the format changed and there are sims now.

    Are sims mostly computation based like REG or conceptual? Anyone who can compare how different the BEC section is compared to the previous version?

    I will appreciate any study or exam tips!!

    I study with Becker and NINJA MCQ.

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  • #1586683

    I have taken the old and new BEC exam with Becker and Ninja.

    From my experience, the sims are a mix of formula and conceptual, but they weren't bad at all. Definitely keep track of your time with MCQ – it took me about 2 hours to get through the mcq which only left 2 hours for the sims + 3 essays (my goal was to go through the mcq in 1.5 hours).
    You might get a page with every single formula – the testlet I needed it more for didn't provide the list, however the second testlet had them provided.

    Just take your time on the sims and you'll be fine! I felt stressed while taking the test, but once I got home and really thought about it, it really wasn't that bad.

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 86
    FAR - 75
    REG - 77
    No need to worry, my accountant handles that.

    Thanks for the comment!

    Did Becker prepare you enough for the sims? Or do you recommend me to buy another review course for sims?
    Any part of the exam that you recommend to focus on? From my previous experience, I think I had a lot of cost accounting and IT questions.


    I didn't really practice any sims with Becker – I focus more on the concepts/big picture when it comes to sims. The last week of my review, I read every single word in the textbook and made my own notes (30 pages) to make sure I understood everything. At least for me, a lot more concepts were fresh when I went into the exam.
    I wasn't a fan of Becker's practice exams, but their overall content seemed to be ok.

    My test surprisingly was low on cost accounting but had all other main areas, but I think it's safe to say every exam is different so you never know!

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 86
    FAR - 75
    REG - 77
    No need to worry, my accountant handles that.

    Thanks for the tips!

    Did you go through all the progress test with Becker at the end? Lastly, you mentioned that you also used NINJA MCQ for BEC, do you recommend me to purchase one? I think NINJA MCQ helped my reg exam a lot. Not sure if NINJA BEC MCQ is up-to-date for MCQs.

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