Becker Mass Multiple Choice Option Gone?

  • Creator
  • #1555420


    I apologize if I am just missing this button somewhere…

    On the old Becker 2016 version, we were able to just randomly pick to do 30,50,100 etc multiple choice questions and which sections we wanted them to pool from. Has this option been removed with the new updates?

    Thank you in advance if anyone has any advice on how to get this feature!

    AUD - 89
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 74; Retake Q2 2017
    REG - 77

    AUD: 89 (6/8/16)

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  • Author
  • #1555423

    I believe you are talking about progress tests? If so, the progress tests allow you to take any test over any part for as many questions as you can handle.


    Yes that is what I am talking about! Is there a button somewhere I can go to get to the progress tests?

    I haven't been on the new software as I am re-taking FAR rather than going through all lectures again etc just wanted to kinda start with multiple choice and see where I need to pick up.

    AUD - 89
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 74; Retake Q2 2017
    REG - 77

    AUD: 89 (6/8/16)


    I think there was another option before which was not progress test specific. Conveniently, becker has a new MCQ supplement you can buy to add another couple hundred to the $4000 package. Interesting strategy if you ask me. Search up Becker Supplemental Multiple-Choice Questions

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 81
    FAR - 77
    REG - 81
    REG - 1. Becker only - fail (forgot to study depr - oops); 2. Becker only - Pass
    FAR - 1. Becker only - fail; 2. added Ninja Notes and MCQ - Pass
    AUD - 1. Becker videos; Ninja Notes, Audio, MCQ, Becker Notes - Pass
    BEC - 1. Ninja Notes, Audio, MCQ, Becker Notes - Pass

    I just switched over to the new becker for Audit and it is still an option, but not until you reach later sections. So when I go to A3 at the bottom below the modules and the sims, there is a progress test button that will allow sections 1 through 3. In order for you to take a progress test on all the sections, you would need to go to the last section (for Far look in F10).

    I hope that helps 🙂

    Just keep swimming


    AUD: 75

    BEC: 87

    FAR: 79

    REG: 82


    at the end of each chapter there is a link to Progress Test-you can pick any number of questions and any combination of chapters….

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