Concepts vs. Quantitative Questions

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  • #201764

    Hi there,

    I’m currently reviewing for BEC using Becker Self Study. Becker suggests that most of the test questions are just “concepts” and not very mathematical in nature. Yet, their review questions all include calculations. Did you find the exam was more conceptual in nature as Becker suggests?


    AUD – 91

    FAR – 85

    REG – 87

    BEC – NA

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  • #775111

    I and a lot of other people (that took BEC in first quarter anyway) found the exam to be more conceptual. But that doesn't mean yours will be too, so take that with a grain of salt I guess

    AUD - 93
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 83
    REG - 84
    Nobody calls me chicken

    AUD 93 Jan 16
    BEC 83 Feb 16
    FAR 83 Apr 16
    REG 84 May 16

    99% Ninja MCQ only


    I agree with Biff. I took BEC twice and found it to be more conceptual. However, like Biff said it could go the other way. I definitely had more computational questions on my second exam than I did the first. I do think that Becker's calculation questions are very very in-depth and I have yet to see that level of detail on the exam.

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 75
    REG - 81
    Illinois Certified Public Accountant 2016

    AUD - 69, 77
    REG - 74, 81
    FAR - 75!
    BEC - 71, 82

    IL candidate!

    Finally done (5/24/16)!! Yahooooooo!


    I definitely thought I had more calculations then I expected based on the posts here. I remember one formula I consciously decided not to memorize because I thought there were so many other important things and there it was. Ah well, that's the chance you take. Just make sure if you don't know the formula to make your best educated guess and move on. I left 45 minutes for WC and I'm really glad I did.

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