Current Portion Bond Principal Clarification

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  • #1674299

    I understand bonds fairly well, but am hung up on one small portion.

    My understanding is as follows:
    Bonds Payable @ yr 1 = PV of Principal + Payments at coupon rate
    Interest Payable = @ coupon rate
    Interest Exp = @ coupon rate +disc. amort -prem. amort
    Principal Payment = due in full @ maturity

    Now if the bond matures 12/31 of Year 10, and i’m reporting at 12/31 Year 9, is the principal reclassified as a Current Liability @ 12/31 Year 9 since it’s due within 12mo of the BS date?

    Also, is there ever a time where the bond payments will include a portion of the principal? My understanding is that it is not paid concurrently with interest payments; and only Trade Notes Payable factors in the principal payments with the interest payments on the note.

    Any help is appreciated!

    AUD - 76
    BEC - 75
    FAR - 80
    REG - 77
    scoring > 75 means I studied too hard, right?
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