helpppp, Wash sales

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  • #190329

    someone has the following transactions:

    10/12/2010 bought 100 shares of stock for 500,

    12/10/2012 she sold them all for 300,

    01/06 /2013 she bought 50 shares for 200 ,

    02/10/2013 sold for 30 shares for 400,

    07/12/2013 bought another 50 shares for 500.

    what are the 12/10/2012, 02/10/2013basis,realized,recognize?


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  • #619906

    Im not really sure on washy's as well but the 1/6/13 repurchase would wipe out 50 shares of the previous loss because it was within 30 days of the sale.

    So originally 100 shares were bough at 5 per share for a basis of 500

    Then you sold 100 shares at 3 per share for 300 for a Realized loss of 200 (500-300)

    Since the 50 were bought back within 30 days, that portion of the loss cannot be recognized so essentially you sold only 50 shares @ 3 per share for a recognized loss of 150.

    FAR- 87
    REG- 81
    AUD- 88

    Who's Better Than Us? nobody


    Let me try to answer this and let me know if it's correct.


    Basis = $500

    Realized = $200

    Recognized = $100 (since 1/2 of stocks sold repurchased within 30 days, 100 was disallowed loss)


    Basis = $180 ($200 repurchase price + $100 disallowed loss) / 50 shares x 30 shares

    Realized = $220 (400-180)

    Recognized = $220 (next purchase was not wash sale)

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