Need help with motivation please

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  • #1646840


    I am a mom to four beautiful children and I have been trying to take the CPA forever it seems. It is now causing anxiety for me. when I soul search I do want to achieve this but not as the sacrifice of my children.

    I have a Bachelor’s and two Master’s degrees. I know and understand what sacrifice means and taking away from family time and I am willing to do so to some extent but not giving it up 100%.

    If you are super busy and have passed, failed, passed, expired sections, etc…please tell me how you moved forward in what seems like quick sand.


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  • #1646881

    Disclaimer – I'm a father of one so I am at least partially tone deaf here.

    I waited until my daughter was in school in order to start my Master's program. That could apply to study for the CPA. It's absolutely perfect if you can study with them. Even though there are distractions, their homework time becomes quiet time to study. If they're younger, then imposing a reasonably early bed time can help. Sometimes the answer is to wait a couple years but that doesn't have to be.

    I also decided I need one day completely off study – which was Sunday. That was fun day, family day. And Saturdays were light days. That way you can still have quality time.

    I've posted about this a few times but one of the most singular epiphanies of my CPA study was found in a 106 second video. It literally changed my life. I despise getting up early in the AM but it was the last resort. It was the frontier I rarely crossed except to go fishing or skiing. Do a youtube search for “navy seal 430”. When you get up solely for the purpose of study – you can't help but hit it hard.

    My thought process with the exams is that there are thousands of people who had it harder than me and they found it in themselves to pass, so who the heck am I to make excuses 🙂

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 81
    FAR - 77
    REG - 81
    REG - 1. Becker only - fail (forgot to study depr - oops); 2. Becker only - Pass
    FAR - 1. Becker only - fail; 2. added Ninja Notes and MCQ - Pass
    AUD - 1. Becker videos; Ninja Notes, Audio, MCQ, Becker Notes - Pass
    BEC - 1. Ninja Notes, Audio, MCQ, Becker Notes - Pass

    Thank you…I think what I need to give myself is grace while still moving forward. Time is moving forward and it won't stop. Thank you for your words. I need to hammer out a soft plan with family time plugged in as you suggest. Thanks!!

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