New Exam Version – Pretest

  • Creator
  • #1512397

    Are there no longer any pretest questions on the new version of the exam?

    FAR:  68, 75 (Lost Credit), 69 because f*uck me, right? 77

    REG:  71, 79

    BEC:  73, 75

    AUD: 69, 70, 72, 74, 74, 69, 75

    FAR: 66, 75
    AUD: 67, 69, 70, 74, 74
    REG: 71, 79
    BEC: 73

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  • Author
  • #1512411

    No, there will still be pretest questions on the new exams.

    BEC - 83 x1
    FAR - 87 x1
    AUD - 71 | 82 x2
    REG - 93 x1

    I'm Done!!!

    CMA - 430
    BEC - 83
    FAR - ?
    AUD -
    REG -


    BEC SIMS will all be pre-test in the sense that they haven't been pre-tested.

    AUD - 79
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 92
    Jeff Elliott, CPA (KS)
    shawn in VA

    will the scoring be more “lenient” in Q2 ? Since it is a new exam and all. I probably will be taking 2 exams in Q2.

    AUD - 84
    BEC - 81
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - 75
    AUD - 84

    BEC-  81


    FAR- TBD


    Not sure if it will be “lenient” but they are going to take 10 weeks until after the closure of the Q2 testing window to release the scores. I want to assume they are going to use Q2 as the foundation for the new set of standards. Plus these Becker questions that are almost 1 paragraph to 2 paragraphs long are probably going to be present quite a few times in the testlets (hope I'm wrong though). The concept of application and analysis is not limited to just calculations but also to decipher the level of information that is relevant to each question.


    @brooklyn God help all of us. Well, at least they are giving 16 hours of testing now instead of 14.

    shawn in VA

    ok so the whole lenient idea is an uncertainty I take it.

    Will the exam be more challenging ? I am already struggling to pass BEC and AUD, and have to retake in Q2 (def AUD and maybe BEC), and the idea of the exam changing seems a bit unsettling to say the least. I just don't like the sounds of this “higher order of learning” and “applilcaton and analysis” way of testing that I keep hearing the last few months.

    AUD - 84
    BEC - 81
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - 75
    AUD - 84

    BEC-  81


    FAR- TBD

    shawn in VA

    roger has some SIMS for BEC in his learning material if anyone is thinking about purchasing his course. Not that many…I would say 10 at the most.

    AUD - 84
    BEC - 81
    FAR - NINJA in Training
    REG - 75
    AUD - 84

    BEC-  81


    FAR- TBD


    @Shawn in VA, I think the test will most definitely be harder. Whenever I search for videos regarding explanations of the exam changes, that is one point each video stressed. What really put fear in me was how serious my Becker instructor was when she warned us to pass before April 2017. Still, I believe with hard work and determination there isn't a thing that we can't do!

    AUD - 76
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 76
    REG - 84
    Don't Quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.  -Muhammad Ali


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