Q2 to Q4 score release dates?

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  • #1733001


    Im looking to plan my next exams around the release dates and I can only find that

    April 1 – June 10
    AUD, FAR, REG: June 27 and BEC: June 29

    Do these numbers get updated the closer we get? Why is there only one release date for this quarter when there were a few in q1?

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  • #1733022

    I don't think so. I think we literally have to wait that long, which sucks.


    April 1st apparently Prometric will have bigger screens so we can open all those DRS documents and there will now be a functioning excel spreadsheet. Apparently more time is needed each testing period to evaluate the results of the updates so scores will only be released once all testing for that quarter is done. Passing 75 is not suppose to change during this time.

    If you go into the sample AICPA test and choose the option of testing after April 1 you can see how the testing environment will change.

    B - Pass 10/16

    A - Pass 5/17

    R - Pass 3/18

    F - Pass 1/18


    Q3 is September 19th, Q4 is December 19th

    AUD: 87

    BEC: 90

    FAR: 93

    REG: 84

    CPA license issued September 2018


    Is anyone in Massachusetts or a state with score release breakdowns? I got my score on the 8th and expected it by now.


    Yep. We have to wait. Again. They did this last year too. I took a test 4/12 and got results 8/27 with a closed testing window in a September.

    My state board wouldn’t give me an extension on one that fell off.

    I love the expectation we need to be done in 18 months while we spend 9+ months of the WHOLE thing waiting.

    AUD - 77
    BEC - 84
    FAR - 81
    REG - 78
    Ethics 91


    4 years, $10,000 and counting...

    READY TO BE DONE! ... C'mon BEC!

    FAR: 65 (still drying my tears) 2nd attempt: 7/2016
    BEC: 81 5/2016 (WOO FIRST PASS!)
    REG: 5/2016
    AUD: 8/2016

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