REG Exam Info to Memorize

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  • #195531

    What types of tax related dollar amounts are necessary to memorize? For example the Phase-Out amounts and things like that nature… Will they be given in the exam or do we have to memorize every little threshold?

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  • #682714

    gift tax and that passive income offset for individuals making less than 100k (mom & pop exemption). I dont think they will ask you phase out or specific amount questions about anything else, they will give you the numbers, I think.

    Know how to get to AGI and the below the line deductions. Know how to reconcile book to tax.

    Almost always from my phone... please excuse my typos!

    All 4 passed - 2016

    CA CPA

    Determined CPA

    MaLoTu pretty much summed up all the good ones to memorize. Also basis I think is important to know.

    A - 75
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    R - 84! Done!!

    Paperwork sent - waiting for license!!
    Still on a cloud and in shock. Through God, all things will happen.

    Last Chance CPA

    They don't expect you to remember everything, I would just focus on the obvious ones. I can't divulge anything from the exam, but this time around for attempt #5, I realized there was an AGI limitation-based question that I probably would not have bothered to remember. Luckily, I did study it and I was able to look it up using the IRC AL as well. That's all I can say, study the obvious ones, and leave the more obscure ones alone.

    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    FAR - 76
    REG - 76
    I want those initials next to my name!!!!

    FAR - 76
    AUD - 75
    BEC - 75
    REG - 76

    Now I need some experience!!! And some networking...


    Yes, know basis as Determined pointed out.

    Almost always from my phone... please excuse my typos!

    All 4 passed - 2016

    CA CPA


    Basis basis basis!! Also, know basis!


    I would suggest learning the rules regarding the different types of IRAs/retirement plans and the income levels and other qualifiers for each one.

    In general, I think it's a good idea to memorize the rules for all itemized deductions discussed in whatever text you are using. Most of them are pretty standard. But I don't recall having to know phaseouts. It is typical to see “disregarding phaseouts/AGI limitations, etc. …” on the exam. But pay very close attention to the wording of the questions, especially on the Sims.

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