Study time

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  • #1659355

    How long should I spend studying for BEC?

    AUD - 84
    REG - 76
    FAR - Waiting for December 11 score release
    BEC - Scheduled for December 5
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  • #1659356

    Personally I set aside two months ( in reality was more like 10 weeks) Bought review course last week December and took BEC on 3/6/17. Some would say that is too long. In the end it is all about quality and not quantity.

    Schedule and availability to study will also play a role – I was working FT.

    Good Luck!

    BEC - Passed

    REG - Passed

    AUD - Passed

    FAR - Passed


    I was hoping to get one more exam out of the way before tax season starts. I was going to maybe shoot to take it January 2nd. I, as well, am working full time but I will have around 11 days in a row off during Christmas and was hoping to get a lot of studying in that time.

    AUD - 84
    REG - 76
    FAR - Waiting for December 11 score release
    BEC - Scheduled for December 5

    I studied for it last year from mid December until January 17, so about 5 weeks of studying. I also had that week between Christmas and New Year's off, so I was able to go through the rest of the chapters during that time then hit the review. If you start studying for it now, a Jan 2nd test date is definitely doable.


    It all depends on your background and if you are familiar with the BEC topics.

    I spent nearly 200 hours and scored an 87 on the old exam. My friend spent only 90 hours and scored 79 (Old Exam). I’m sure the new exam is tougher with Sims and the extra hour. I’d suggest between 120-200 hours depending on your strengths and weaknesses. Everyone is different but those hours should be in the ballpark.



    However long it takes you to get thru your review course. Just don't take more than 3 or 4 months – most people would chastize me for even saying 4 months but if you work a lot, it might be necessary to take longer. Don't forget of course, that BEC now has SIMs and I will be the first to tell you how truly wicked they were on the form of the test that I got. I did BEC in 2 months.
    Didn't pass, but it took 2 months to get thru the review course. I think that's about average.


    I started Oct 1st and today I'm about to wrap up.

    The NPV is the first hiccup spot, and the cost accounting/operation management is brutal.

    The rest of the subunits are easy (using Gleim), if you're hardcore you can do them 1 chapter per day non-stop.

    But the NPV and operation management is brutal, expect to take longer depends on your background.

    If you just finished studying cost accounting it will be faster. It's more about 1. memorizing equations and 2. familiarized with the concepts.






    I'm done done!

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