The AICPA just launched new sample CPA Exam test enhancements

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  • #2477637

    According to the AICPA, the enhancements include:
    • Answer rationales and related Exam Blueprint information (reference, skill level, task statement) for Task-Based Simulations (TBSs)
    • Model answers for Written Communication (WC) tasks

    Tempted to check out the new sample exams just to see the WC examples.
    What do you guys think? Helpful resource?
    I know it was always a pain to try and figure out the answers if you got it wrong when they did not provide explanations.

    Memento Mori - Kingston NY CPA & EA (SUNY Albany 2002)

    FAR-93 11/9/17 (10wks, 250 hrs, Roger 1800+ MCQs, Gleim TB 600+MCQs, SIMs)
    AUD-88 12/7/17 (3 wks, 85 hrs, Roger 1000 MCQs no SIMs hail mary)
    REG-96 1/18/18 (6 wks, 110 hrs, 1400 MCQs, no SIMs)
    BEC-91 2/16/18 (4wks, 90 hrs, 1240 MCQs)

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  • #2477640

    the answer rationales would be a huge plus, I'll definitely check it out

    FAR: 78*, 75
    REG: 76*, 85
    BEC: 79*, 76
    AUD: 79*, 93

    All scores expired, let's try this again.

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    So I got the first 4 MCQs on BEC correct, STILL GOT IT!!!
    Then I got the to the variance and saw it's almost 5pm and said screw this.
    So happy I never have to deal with variances again.

    The BEC written example is interesting, almost complete fluff.
    They aren't kidding about just restating the question. Seems the first 2 paragraphs are just a restatement of the original question, then one of the pros, one of the cons, and a summary that restates the second paragraph. I think I “tried too hard” on the WC portion of my exam.

    Forgot there are 2 WC's in the sample exam. The second one is a little more hardcore.

    Memento Mori - Kingston NY CPA & EA (SUNY Albany 2002)

    FAR-93 11/9/17 (10wks, 250 hrs, Roger 1800+ MCQs, Gleim TB 600+MCQs, SIMs)
    AUD-88 12/7/17 (3 wks, 85 hrs, Roger 1000 MCQs no SIMs hail mary)
    REG-96 1/18/18 (6 wks, 110 hrs, 1400 MCQs, no SIMs)
    BEC-91 2/16/18 (4wks, 90 hrs, 1240 MCQs)


    Long overdue for something like this.

    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    FAR - 81
    REG - 82
    FAR - 74 first attempt

    Thanks for sharing! I think it is a helpful resource. I checked out the AUD sample test and it seems like they modified the TBS which is a plus.

    AUD - 84
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 76
    REG - 79
    What a journey! It took me 12 attempts, do not give up, keep going! Praise God!

    Passed Exams: 8/25/2020

    Licensed in Pa: 11/24/2020

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