Any runners out there?

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  • #185670

    Up until I got serious about FAR I was running a good bit. Since I buckled down I haven’t ran at all. Is anyone that has passed a few exams have any advice on how to keep up on running while studying, or should I just accept the fact that I need to shelve my hobby while in ninja mode?

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  • #586916

    I am certainty not a runner in a competitive fashion but I started running to lose weight. Why don't you try 20 or 30 minutes a day? Some activity helps the mind, run the marathons after the CPA haha

    FAR (1/15/14)- 92
    AUD (5/05/14)- 94
    BEC (5/28/14)- 85


    I am a runner. I run 5 miles per day about 5 days per week and was able to keep up my running while studying until about 5 weeks ago. At that time, I decided I would rather just take a 6 week break from running and use that time to study instead so wouldn't have regrets about not fully committing myself if I didn't pass this last section. I can't wait to be able to go for a good run next week after I have my last exam!!! I feel so cranky and irritated when I don't get to run!

    During the first three sections, I got in an hour of studying on my lunch breaks during the week, then got a run in as soon as I got home from work, then studied for another hour after dinner. On the weekends, I would study for a few hours, then go for a run, then come back and study for a couple more hours. It was a nice way to kind of break up the study time.

    FAR 12/3/14, 87
    AUD 2/3/14, 90
    BEC 4/1/14, 88
    REG 5/27/14, 94

    Licensed CPA, Indiana

    "Successful people do things that unsuccessful people don't want to do"


    Avid runner here! Before the exam I was running ultra marathons (50k and up)…now I just try to run an hour a day to keep my mind fresh and as an outlet. Lately I've gotten in the habit of running after my son goes to bed (8pm), then I'm awake and focused to study at night. You can also try getting up an hour earlier…

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    I was also able to keep up my running schedule through the entire length of the CPA exams. I was able to run 80 miles per week, always early in the morning. My schedule was 5am to 7am CPA studying, 7am to 8am running and then off to work. I had a similar schedule in the weekends but I replaced work with studying.

    I found that studying right before running was actually great as I would try to summarize in my head what I just studied. Running was definitely something I did not want to give up. I think that it helped keeping my sanity, maybe not if you ask my wife 🙂

    As a side note, it took me 15 months to pass all 4 exams with this schedule.

    Good luck and keep running!


    If you run you're a runner, right? 🙂

    Regardless, I trained for my first half a couple of years ago and have been on and off since then. The exam has most definitely not helped! However, wether I'm running, hiking or taking an indoor class, I find the physical exercise clears my head enough that I can focus on studying. I won't say I have a set schedule – far from it actually – but if I get the opportunity to get out and do something, I take it. Even if that means doubling up study hours the next day, or going longer on the weekends. 🙂


    I consider myself an avid “jogger” not quite fast enough to run. I say don't give up your work out routine for studying. I tried to give up my daily workout in favor of more study time only to come up short twice. Ever since I've stuck with my workout routine I've passed 2 exams.

    Any females of the forum I highly recommend Tone It Up 🙂 obsessed with Karena and Katrina (when not obsessing about work and the CPA exam)


    @NicoleAnne2012 I LOVE TIU!!! Part of my motivation to pass my last 2 exams this year is to crack down on the TIU plan and lose some weight for vacation next summer!

    A - 67, 64, 92!!
    R - 61, 75!
    B - 80!
    F - 68, 78!! DONE!


    Running is definitely a stress reliever and something I really look forward to while studying. Instead of listening to music while running, I would mentally go through all my notes and acronyms. After I get done running, I am refreshed and ready to get back at it. I would go bat shit crazy if I didn't have my hour a day to run while studying.

    AUD - 81 (5/5/14)
    REG - 67 (7/28/14) b00; (10/3/2014)
    BEC -
    FAR -


    6 miles per day, 6 days per week. I seem to have better retention when I run. To cut it out of my day would be to hurt my exam scores.


    I ran two half marathons while studying (and working fulltime). Got my reg score at 5am on the morning of one of them and boy was that a great run. I also kept up with my crossfit schedule 3X per week throughout. I don't have kids and I have a wonderful job so that all helps.

    FAR - 93 (YAY!!!!)
    REG - 93 (Double YAY!)
    BEC - 87 (Whew!)
    AUD - 96 (DONE!!!!!)


    Like everything else in my life, I've had to scale back on my workouts this summer, but I get out there first thing in the morning 3 days a week for 3 miles. Running and time with my bf are the only two things that I committed to keeping in my schedule this summer. My last exam is tomorrow. Normal life resumes in 24 hours.


    I don't recommend giving up on your workout to study. It's imperative that you keep running.

    I speak from experience- you'll lose your edge and won't have as much focus. I was able to FLY through material when running. It takes 3x as long to get through it out of shape and there's no guarantee it'll stick.


    I like to say I'm a runner. I don't always run and definitely didn't run much when I was studying for exams. I even missed the annual Peachtree Road Race for the first time in 10 years in 2013 while studying. However, now that the exams are behind me, I've jumped back on the horse…er, pavement…and am training for 2 half marathons.

    REG - 89
    FAR - 84
    AUD - 73, 86
    BEC - 89

    GA Licensed CPA


    I'm not a runner, but I'm a gym nut. I second what a lot of people have said…running/working out will help clear your head, de-stress you, and refresh you for more studying. I limit myself to a max of 1 hr. workout, about 5x/week. To be honest though, the last 2 wks. before an exam, I can only think about studying, so I have a gym “hiatus”. By exam day, I feel like my butt is molding to my desk chair, but I've been making passing grades with this method!

    AUD: 84 - Oct. 2013
    BEC: 83 - Feb. 2014
    REG: 91 - May, 2014
    FAR: 68, 96 - Oct. 2014...DONE

    CPAExcel, Ninja Audio (all sections)


    I really learned my lesson while I was working on my MBA. It took me 5 years (2 classes at a time) – I also work full-time, have 3 kids who are very active in sports, I'm a girl scout troop leader, I baked cakes on the side and am active in church. Somehow, I did manage to run and work out (on and off) during that time, but I completely quit during my last year. That last year of my MBA was the toughest! I couldn't understand why I would fall asleep studying all the time and had to eat chocolate to keep myself awake, thus putting on weight! It seriously took a year for me to realize that even a 20 minute run would wake me up and clear my head and increase productivity so much!

    Some days I would go for a run or work out during my lunch hour. I always took my gym bag to work just in case I had time for a workout. I also purchased some workout videos I could do in my home in case I couldn't get out of the house! I'm back to running now and I will continue to do so during this CPA journey!

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