Does a low undergraduate GPA have a negative impact?

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  • #189645

    I finished my associate degree in business administration in a community college with GPA of 2.8. After I transferred to a 4 year college, I changed the major to accounting and got a GPA of 3.2 at the graduation. Then I pushed myself to master. Now I have a 3.5 GPA for my master and probably 3.6 at the graduation.

    One of the firms that I applied now requests all the transcripts. Thus, they will definitely see my low undergraduate GPA. Will this have a bad impact? I have good experiences in the IRS, extra activities, and 3 CPA pass. I believe that my qualities are ok. But the undergraduate GPA…I have no idea.

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  • #615582

    Who knows. Since your pretty much finished with schooling you will just have to wait and see. Most likely you will be fine. If they ask about it try and spin it in a way that will help them understand why it's lower


    I doubt it. Firms like to see who you are now. My one professor used to say how they were always really impressed by someone who got serious and started getting higher grades.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    Really depends on the firm and your location. A lot of my friends with higher GPAs were getting 4/5 job offeres in October from big 4 and other large firms. While my GPA was okay (3.4) I was getting a few interviews but not much and I didn't have any internship under my belt. I ended up not recieving my first job offer until Feburary and received another one in May so it can take time.

    REG - 63,74,70,81!!!
    FAR - 44,73, 81!!!!
    AUD - 51,81!
    BEC - 73,77!!

    3 years later and I'm officially done. Never give up no matter what!


    Not at all. I was a piece of shit in college. I'm pretty sure my cumulative GPA was like a 0.08 through my first three semesters. Barely ended up with a 3.000000000 overall. Got a job right out of college and now work for a reputable public accounting firm. Boy was I nervous when I had to submit transcripts though.

    FAR - 70, 81
    AUD - 83
    BEC - 77
    REG - 70, 78

    Licensed in Ohio.

    Now what the hell do I do?

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